Do you constantly think about food? Are you feeling hungry all the time?! Well, it may be case of the QUALITY of foods you are eating instead of the QUANTITY. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/opinion/sunday/always-hungry-heres-why.html?_r=0 The good news about shifting the quality of your diet patterns, is that you may not have to rely on that silly ‘willpower’ anymore. Once your body is able to reduce how much insulin it produces – by eating more good fats and less refined carbohydrates – it can get back to supporting you in your weight loss efforts instead of fighting you on it every step of the way. ‘People in the modern food environment seem to have greater control over what they eat than how much. With reduced consumption of refined grains, concentrated sugar and potato products and a few other sensible lifestyle choices, our internal body weight control system should be able to do the rest. Eventually, we could bring the body weight set point back to pre-epidemic levels. Addressing the underlying biological drive to overeat may make for a far more practical and effective solution to obesity than counting calories.’ I say…. Bring ON those good fats!! 😉