Could this explain my obsession with kale?! Seems my brain is guiding me in the right direction. Who knew?! Kale represents an important lesson for all of us eaters about the power of food choices to transform our health. My ultimate measure of a food is its power to support brain health, and it is clear that more kale in your diet means a happier, healthier, sexier you — all the basic signs that your brain is running well. “How does kale do this? What’s the miracle in that crunch? Let’s start with the power of phytonutrients, molecules in plants that do amazing things. One called sulfurophane travels from your kale smoothie to your liver where it amps up your body’s natural detox power. Another called kaempferol is truly the fountain of youth — it turns on the genes that promote longer life. (Move over red wine resveratrol.) Add to this mix carotenoids, which Harvard University just linked to one’s overall sense of optimism, and glucosinolates, a known cancer fighter, and it is clear that kale is good medicine.” And… “It is a key co-factor need to make the specialized fats called sphingolipids that create the structure of our brain cells, and it promotes brain cells being more resilient by influencing gene expression. Vitamin K is also needed for bone health, and kale happens to be a great source of another bone-builder. Studies of calcium absorption from kale have shown its absorption to be superior to milk! That’s because unlike many other greens such as spinach, kale has almost no oxalates that impair absorption. Kale also has a lot of protein for a leafy green. Add to this iron, folate, and vitamin B6, all needed to make brain molecules like serotonin and dopamine, and it is clear that kale is brain food.” Plus, can anyone claim ownership of this phrase “eat more” except for perhaps Hippocrates himself. (“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.) So take this as medical advice for your brain health: Eat More Kale America and know you are building a better brain. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/drew-ramsey-md/health-benefits-kale_b_3529768.html