I am NOT a fan. Target marketing kids in play is no better than direct marketing. Actually, it is just a back-handed way to grab their attention and attract brand loyalty. This new ‘engagement-based marketing’ needs to stop. What we are seeing is “companies are realizing that, when going online, the best strategy is to forgo immediate sales in order to build lasting emotional relationships with children”. Critics see such marketing as an unfair way to manipulate children who may not realize what is going on. And there are parts of the game, McWorld and other food sites that encourage purchases. McWorld prompts children to enter codes from Happy Meal boxes to unlock things like special gear for their online avatars. My hope is that corporations will start using their research on psychology and marketing in a positive manner. Who knows, maybe they will figure out a way to make money off of ALL the starving children in the world that actually need their food… http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/20/mcdonalds-makes-subtle-play-for-children-online/