Love the Food

It seems like every time you turn around there is an ad for something yummy, a waft of something deep-fried…
Keeping control of your intake takes a new mindset. When the body is content, it is much easier to resist tempting foods. The first step to getting to that ‘contentment’ is the challenge. I believe that You have the Power! You just need to use it.
Believing in yourself is a very powerful thing. Yes, our bodies have cravings, but typically not every day if we feed it properly. If you can keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day, you will find an unbelievable wave of self-control come over you. It’s true. Eating every four hours will keep your body satisfied and not searching for something more or ‘tempting’. All your body wants to do is provide you with the energy to do all that you ask it to do. So, if it has enough food to do that and it doesn’t feel like it is running low (drop in blood sugar), it will clear the mind and let you focus on more important things than chocolate or French fries.

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