The Body

It seems like an easy thing…. Eat food to get energy for survival. Well, the body is extremely efficient. Just eating food could mean many different things to our body and the way that it produces energy. Food (or calories) are used by the body very selectively. Our bodies know that the most important thing for it is to keep the organs working. This means that all food is first broken down to provide energy for our heart, brain, lungs, digestion and other organ functions. Then, once those functions are taken care of, the body will determine what to do with the leftover calories. Those calories will be sent through the online casino liver, then to the muscles to ensure we have enough stored energy to walk, talk, raise our arms, etc. Then after the muscle stores are full, the body will tuck away the extra calories for a rainy day (or in our fat cells for storage). Now, knowing how the body uses calories, we can begin to figure out how many calories and what type of calories (or what type of food) the body really needs. keep in mind: The body is an amazing machine and super efficient!

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